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Acid Peel

Surface acid peel is an effective, natural method of shifting back the hands of a biological clock. It is very beneficial for the dermis, improves its thickness without causing inflammation. When used regularly, peel enhances skin elasticity and flexibility. At the same time, we can observe an increased production of collagen fibers and mucopolysaccharides which lead to water retention in the depth of skin, smoothing out fine lines and also a long lasting improvement of biological and aesthetic properties of skin.

Peel based on acids can be applied on all parts of the body. Depending on a problem, age and skin type, we choose appropriate products and optimal peeling program. Treatments can be made several times during a year until reaching expected effects.

MANDELAC 40% Almond acid peel

A delicate peel based on natural almond acid. It is widely used for photo-aging treatment, irregular pigmentation. It is good for sensitive skin since it does not cause itching or irritation.


Peel which reduces dark circles and swelling under eyes. It provides excellent results, reduces big dark circles, loosening and releasing accumulated ferrum.


Azelac peel is based on azelaic acid which has been made for skin sensitive to chemical peel.

Azelaic acid has sebum regulatory, standardizing and regulating skin pigmentation properties.

LACTIPEEL 90% lactic peel

Peel based on lactic acid naturally obtained in the process of milk fermentation. It helps to keep physiological acidity of skin, induces its hydration and stimulates the synthesis of ceramides. This peel is recommended especially for dehydrated skin, with melasma, aging with fine lines as well as skin loosing firmness.

What do you gain? KNOW ADVANTAGES
  1. Usuniesz przebarwienia
  2. Wygładzisz i ujędrnisz naskórek
  3. Pozbędziesz się niechcianego trądziku
  4. Zredukujesz blizny potrądzikowe
  5. Zyszkasz zdrowy i piękny wygląd
For who?

Są doskonałe dla osób w każdym wieku. Regulują skórę i ściągają pory nastolatkom, pomagają zachować gładką i promienną cerę dwudziestolatkom, po trzydziestce poprawiają odcień i ujednolicają kolor skóry oraz pozwalają na ekspresową odnowę skóry dojrzałej. Szczególnie polecane są wówczas, gdy skóra jest bardzo zaniedbana i wymaga natychmiastowej rewitalizacji. Peelingi kwasami można także stosować profilaktycznie aby stymulować odnowę komórek.