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Endermologia LPG

A non-invasive method which helps to solve problems with resistant fat, cellulite and flabby skin. It reactivates cells of deep skin layers through mechanical stimulation. more


Cryolipolisis is a noninvasive method of liposuction, that is, a permanent elimination of fat tissue without a surgical intervention. The treatment enables effective body contouring and a reduction of fat tissue by means of low temperature without making damage to other tissue. more

I – Lipo

A treatment which reduces the volume of fat cells by means of a diode laser. The action of a laser beam leads to a natural chemical reaction in the area of fat cells. more

Electro stimulation – Vip Body System

VIP is one of the most comprehensive and technologically advanced pieces of equipment for body shaping. It is equipped with special modules with programs for slimming, lymphatic drainage, firming the body and face as well as muscle strengthening. more

Apollo Tripollar RF

Apollo device is a leader in the use of radio frequencies (RF) in a wide range of body treatments: eliminating cellulite, reducing fat tissue and reshaping the body. more